In progress....
This trip is/was as close to a vacation as we get these days. For one thing
it was not a solo trip. Always much nicer when my wife is co-pilot.
Total mileage: 3075 miles.
Langley --> Edmonton, AB (Wedding) --> Terrace, BC (Business) -->
Vacation --> Home.
The trip took us via the Coquihalla highway to Kamloops were we spent the
first night as we got away kinda late.
I decided to stop at a commercial campground so that we'd have power, etc. on
the first night out. the site was above the highway and far enough away, so I
thought. Wrong, wrong, wrong. Between highway traffic and trains it was noisier
than most rest areas, even on the truck side and to top it off it was the usual
non roomy space.
That was the one and only time we spent in a commercial campground on this
Just by chance I turned on the radio the next morning and found out that a
mudslide had closed the Trans Canada Highway just west of Banff so we decided to
take the David Thompson Hiway which cuts east from the Jasper/Banff
Highway and goes across some very nice countryside via Rocky Mountain House to
meet up with the Calgary/Edmonton Highway near Red Deer, putting us back on
track of the originally planned route.
It was a nice and leisure trip. We spent one more night enroute, this time in
an Alberta Government Campground. Much nicer than the previous night.
We spent the next few days with family on a farm north of Edmonton.
The wedding was in the City of Edmonton. It's kinda' nice to have your
house at the reception. Makes for a short walk home. We left the parking lot the
following morning to do some more family visiting and then headed westbound the
following day.
We traveled west on the Yellowhead and spent the first night at Lake Obed,
again a Government Campsite overlooking the lake. The next day took us through
Jasper and towards Prince George. We stopped in Jasper for lunch and to play
tourist but ended up playing tourist and picking up lunch to be made/served in
the GMC.
We spent the night about 50 miles or so east of Prince George. Pulled in
early enough to enjoy a leisure dinner and campfire.
On the way to Price George the next morning a noise I thought I heard
occasionally the day before became more apparent. We pulled into Costco at
Prince George to check it out and to do a little browsing/shopping.
The noise turned out to be the left hand shock. The lower nut fastening same
had come off totally and the shock was making the rattling sound. As this had
happened to me one before I had a spare locknut along which allowed for a quick
fix. Of course it had to rain during fix, but that's just operation normal :-)

This page was last updated
on Monday, April 26, 2004 05:53 PM.