The AV10 Engine Monitor proved to be a great co-pilot on the first trip in my GMC Motorhome. Here is a piece of Windows software to compliment the AV10. Running this software on your laptop you can monitor multiple meters at the same time. The program also captures all raw data to a file as well as a csv file that can be used directly with Excel or any other spreadsheet program. The captured raw file can be used to replay the trip at a later date on a Win9x/NT laptop of PC. The software was developed by Byte Designs. It's currently in Alpha+ stage, meaning still other things we'd like to add. If you have an AV10 Engine Monitor please feel free to download this program. It's available free for personal use. Double click to load the screenshot full size, but please be patient :-)
The package includes a sample file captured on my first trip. This leg is Bakersfield, CA south to Los Angeles via Interstate 5. To install simply click on the file downloaded and then pick the sample or the Av10 program itself from the Av10 program menu. Being an Alpha release and for fun there is no support available for this software. However, I won't mind some light questions and welcome your comments via email. You can email me at heinz@bytedesigns.com. The download has been updated Thursday, December 23, 2004 07:40 AM The download update was only due to a server change, no updated software. June 4 update notes: The required DLLs are now included and a CSV file is now created correctly in the installed directory on a replay. If there are some charting wizards out there... a graphical representation of the captured data is next on the agenda, be my guest to give it a whirl. Enjoy! You can run the program full screen or in a window. Grab the corners to resize the window. Double click on a meter with the left button and you can hide the meter. Double click with right mouse button and you can re-title the meter. You can increase/decrease the replay speed from the Files menu. You can also pause the display. Have fun... let me know what you think.
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