I installed 2 electric fans many years ago to combat a hot running engine. It turned
out to be the radiator itself. I use them now occasionally in stop & go traffic (Los
Angeles :-) and also to provide cooldown at engine shutdown. The fans are operated
manually at present. One of these days I'll find a suitable temperature control so that I
can automate the cool down. Running the fans for a bit and the vent openings help
tremendously against heatsoak under the hood (floor).

Note K&N airfilter, which is part of the change when EFI was installed.
I had these vents installed many moons ago and
judging by the heat that comes out of them I consider them a great benefit. Along with the
electric fans they provide an excellent path to dissapate heatsoak at shutdown as well as
allowing heat to escape while underway.
There is one installed on each side just ahead of the firewall.