September 1999 Update: added the SmarTire system. Wireless Tire Pressure Monitoring SystemFebruary 25th, 1999:Received the goodies today. Nothing installed yet, but I thought I'd share some views of the components as received. The receiver fits into a 2 inch cutout. When tire pressure reaches about 10% below normal a warning tone is heard and the appropriate wheel will light up on the display to indicated which tire is low. I purchased model the TMA-10B with the coach sensors set at 60 pounds and the toad's at 32 pounds. The system was purchased from The components as received:
The yellow antenna is mounted underneath and to the rear of the coach to give reliable coverage for the toad.
Hoping to get it installed this weekend. Come back and check out the results and the first impression once it's in service. March 1, 1999Didn't quite make it over the weekend, but getting closer.
March 3, 1999Completed the installation today and all tested out ok. All that's left is to bend the antenna about 3 inches from the tip to give a little extra ground clearance. June 19, 1999Forgot to mention the cost... US$595 for Coach and Toad. September 1999 Update: Added SmarTire Monitoring SystemWhile doing Alcoa shuffle I decided to add the SmarTire monitoring on the Coach's wheels. One of the differences in installation between TireSentry and SmarTire is that the latter has the monitors fastened to the inside of the rim using Stainless Straps.
The transmitter/sensor is shown on the bottom. It gets installed opposite the valve stem. The larger metal piece is the counterweight and is installed by the valve stem. The stainless steel strap is of ample length and I cut off the excess once installed.
The company is close to home. I've planted the seed that if there is enough interest for a quantity purchase I may be bugging for preferential GMCnet pricing. Ballpark cost for 6 wheels: US$349 plus shipping, provided enough interest is generated so that Byte Designs could qualify as a dealer. If you're interested please email me. More information? Visit the SmarTire site. Use your browsers' back button to return. This page was last updated on