Currently (04/26/04)
at: Sacramento, CA
Sofar it's been an excellent trip, i.e. textbook. Textbook meaning add gas and
occasional oil and keep on going. I hope I'm not jinxing the rest of the trip.
Every trip south on I-5 requires a mandatory stop at what I call the candy store To me
this stop entails Fry's in Wilsonville, Oregon and also Camping World just accross the
freeway from Fry's.
Saves on taxes, I say to myself :-)
At least that way I'm not paying tax on tax when I take the stuff home accross the border
where they now collect provincial (state) as well as federal taxes.
One of my Apple Studio monitors bit the dust a while back so I was in the market for a
replacement. This is what I found/did:
Sony N50. Very visible, even in sunlight and with sunglasses on. Much less room required
than the Apple Studio did. It even has speakers built in to the base and provisions for 2
video inputs (2 computers). Sony did it again. ($1499).
little closer view.
The normal view. To the left is the display of the
AV10 engine monitor and the I usually run 2 maps as I have not yet found one that has it
all. This particular time it's Street Atlas 7 and Microsoft Streets & Trips 2001,
which finally supports GPS.
It's been a while since I've gone by Shasta during daylight hours so I couldn't

Semi relaxing in SAC... waiting for the niteshift to start.
Link to My Travels page.

This page was last updated
on Monday, April 26, 2004 05:53 PM.