Installed a TZE+ Slide-out tray for the house batteries
and replaced a failed Thompson charger with a TrueChargeIt's always been a bear to service the house batteries which means it didn't
get done as often as it should have. Probably cost me a battery or two. Had been
wanting to install the slide-out tray for a long time... finally did it.
It took a little more work than initially expected, but what doesn't.
I was anxious to get that first look to make sure I could make it fit in the
space available. I have quite a bundle of cables coming out from the coach
at the rear of the compartment on the outer edge. It required some careful
re-routing. |
It fits. |
On the way to getting cleaned up. To get a little extra room
for my cable bundle I raised the battery tray using 1 1/4" square
channeling. |
The fixed tray we installed when we did the Generac was not
fastened sufficiently in the rear as it was installed to carry the weight of
the batteries in place rather than hanging out. It would cause the tray to
tilt slightly when it was out once the batteries were installed. Decided to
take it all out again and devised a hook bolt scheme that dropped down below
the floor and then I used some 3/4" aluminum angle iron to span across a
couple of frame areas. No more tilt. |
Not a lot of room to spare, but it fits. |
All done. Turned into week instead of a day project but then
work kept interfering too . |
I installed two fresh Trojan T-105's to go along with the new tray as the old
ones had run dry a time or two.
No more mirror and flashlight to check the house batteries.
While I was still on house power I decided to install a
StatPower TrueCharge 20+ to replace a failed Thompson Power Supply. As the
unit is buried under the fridge behind the coach electrical I installed the
remote panel and also installed a Radio Shack Indoor/Outdoor thermometer.
The outdoor sensor is located on top of the charger so that I can keep a
close eye on it.